2023 Finalist (1)

The Earthshot Prize

The World's Most Prestigious Environmental Prize

Founded by Prince William and The Royal Foundation in 2020, The Earthshot Prize seeks to identify and grow the solutions that will repair our Earth in the next decade. After a rigorous 10-month selection process, Aquacycl has been named a finalist for the Fix Our Climate Earthshot. 

Learn more about The Earthshot Prize

“It's really hard to put into words how I feel about this, but I can tell you it's been an almost 20 year journey for Sofia and I to get to this point. [It’s] super exciting to be able to see a technology that we've developed make an impact in the world and to be recognized amongst such incredible companies. “

Orianna Bretschger

Aquacycl CEO and Co-Founder

Fix Our Climate Earthshot Finalist

Wastewater is a Climate Solution

The Fix Our Climate Earthshot focuses on solutions that will help combat climate change through removal of carbon from the atmosphere and building for a carbon-neutral economy. Through our wastewater treatment solution, Aquacycl has created a way to decarbonize wastewater resulting in a 90% reduction of greenhouse gas emissions from wastewater treatment. 

Currently, only 20% of global wastewaters are receiving adequate treatment, the other 80% are discharged into the environment with minimal to no treatment. This 20% accounts for more GHG emissions than the entire shipping industry. Our solution allows us to treat that remaining 80% in a sustainable way without devastating climate effects. 

More on our climate solution

The Award Process

Five ambitious goals for our planet 

Every year for the next decade, the Earthshot selects three finalists with the best solutions in each of the 5 Earthshot categories with the ultimate goal of repairing our planet by 2030. The five Earthshots are: 

  • Protect and restore nature
  • Clean our air
  • Revive our oceans
  • Build a waste-free world
  • Fix our climate

One winner of each category is awarded $1M and all the finalists receive tailored support to help scale their ground breaking solutions supported by the Global Alliance.

Aquacycl didn’t take home the final prize in the Fix our Climate category from The Earthshot Prize for 2023, but we still feel like winners to make it to the finalist stage. To be one of the final fifteen companies is a tremendous recognition of the work that we are doing, and the potential impact that new wastewater solutions can have in addressing our water and climate challenges.

See more on Aquacycl and The Earthshot Prize

The Earthshot Prize 2023 Finalist Trailer

Watch The Earthshot Prize 2023 Finalist Trailer and meet all of this year's finalists. Watch now.


Blog: Aquacycl is an Earthshot Finalist

Want a deeper understanding on how wastewater is an important climate solution? Read our blog!

Why it's not too late to fix our climate!

Watch The Earthshot episode on the Fix Our Climate finalists to see Aquacycl, Boomitra and Sea Forest in action. Watch now.